Step 1: Find the Genre Guides page by hovering over the Quick Links tab at the top of the page on the orange ribbon.
Step 2: Once you have clicked on Genre Guides you can decide how you want to refine your search by choosing different options on the left hand side of the page. Chioces include age, fiction/nonficiton, publication date, genre, and subject (see below)
Step 3: Once you have refined your search options and clicked "Update Results," you will then want to browse the center part of the page where all of the Genre Guides are listed. For the sake of a practice search, I will be clicking on the Cozy Mysteries for Adults guide. I rarely ever read mysteries and that is something that people come into the library asking for quite frequently. Having a resource like this available to help me give recommendations is so invaluable!
Here is a link to that specific guide (if you're looking at home it might prompt you to log in using your library card or Michigan ID number):
Included in this particular guide is an explanation of what cozy mysteries are, what typically happens in them, commonly found themes, a list of titles and series with a short summary of each, key authors to know, authors to watch, and more! Each Genre Guide is going to have slightly different information based on what genre you're searching for but each of them were amazingly thorough. It's a resource that I have used before and would highly recommend to you!