This is the first book in the Patchwork Family series that revolves around 3 individuals, Evangeline, Seth, and Zach, who were orphaned in a train wreck and become each other’s family. This book tells Evangaline’s story.
Title: More Than Meets the Eye
Series: Patchwork Family #1
Author: Karen Witemeyer
Genre: Christian Fiction, Historical Fiction
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Release Date: June 5, 2018
Format: print, ebook, audiobook
Pages: 346
Many consider Evangeline Hamilton cursed. Orphaned at a young age and possessing a pair of mismatched eyes—one bright blue, the other dark brown—Evangeline has fought to find her way in a world that constantly rejects her. Yet the support of even one person can help overcome the world's judgments, and Evangeline has two—Seth and Zach, fellow orphans she now counts as brothers. Seeking justice against the man who stole his birthright and destroyed his family, Logan Fowler arrives in 1880s Pecan Gap, Texas, to confront Zach Hamilton, the hardened criminal responsible for his father's death. Only instead of finding a solitary ruthless gambler, he discovers a man not much older than himself with an unusual family. And when Hamilton's unique sister, Evangeline, insists on dousing Logan with sunshine every time they cross paths, Logan finds his quest completely derailed. Who is truly responsible for his lost legacy, and will restoring the past satisfy if it means forfeiting a future with Evangeline?