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Second First Impressions (Thorne)

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5 Stars

This was exceptional. I don't even know how else to describe Sally Thorne's writing other than to say that it just makes me feel good. Even though all three of her leading ladies are incredibly different, there were parts of them that were still somehow all relatable and warm and comforting. Sally's books are something that you can pull out on a day full of sunshine at the beach to enjoy or on a gray day filled with sadness. No matter what you're feeling when you begin them, I can guarantee you will feel better when you're done.

That being said, I know a lot of people didn't like 99% Mine as much as me. This book, and Ruthie in particular is nothing like that. I REALLY think that those that didn't like Darcy's abrasiveness will fall in love with Ruthie's quiet but quick witted personality. And Teddy. Ohhhhh Teddy. Teddy is the embodiment of his name. A big, giant, teddy bear that you can't help but want to love and squeeze tight and never let go. He grew up in a wealthy family but has always been treated as the lazy one, the one who will never take grown up life seriously, and I think that has really had a big impact on actually turning him into that person. However, once he's forced to spend some time at the Providence Luxury Retirement Villa as personal assistant to the sassiest, funniest, loveliest old ladies you've ever seen and gets to know Ruthie, things change.

Ruthie, who is a quiet, keeps-her-head-down and never-leave-the-Villa type of gal really hasn't experienced much of what life has to offer. Between Melanie, her new assistant-turned-friend, and Teddy, that changes. She comes out of her shell (har har nod to the tortoises) and begins to quickly discover how having these two meddling in her every day life is starting to make her want things she hasn't in a long time.

This book has it's fair share of interesting plot points outside of the addicting romance, too. Finding out something from Ruthie's past that has shaped certain aspects of her life now, finding more out about Teddy's past and his tumultuous relationship with his sister, Rose, and even why Ruthie's boss won't e-mail her back. Sally Throne has hit it out of the park once again and I'm not even surprised about it.

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Arielle Hemingway
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