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The True Love Experiment (Lauren)

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5 Stars

One thing I'm not sure I've ever talked about on here is how much of a Christina Lauren fangirl I used to be. Their Beautiful Bastards and Wild Seasons series was my first real foray into spicier romances and honestly, that cemented my love for the romance genre in general.

It's been a few years since I've been this head over heels with a new CLo book but this It was SOOOO good. I read it in less than 24 hours as we drove from Michigan to Florida and it truly got me through the middle of the night hours. It made my stomach riotous with butterflies, had me quietly cackling, and most of all, it just made me fall in love all over again with their writing. And you know what? It reminded me how special the world of romance in books and media is and how lucky we are to have authors like this telling these stories. You're DEFINITELY going to want to check out Fizzy's story as soon as possible!

Click here to place a hold on the physical book, here to place a hold on the e-book, and here to place a hold on the e-audiobook through our catalog.

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Arielle Hemingway
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