CRDL Teen Take & Make: Graham Cracker "Gingerbread" House Kit
We'll provide the materials needed to make and decorate a graham cracker "gingerbread' house.
For grades 6-12. Please allow extra time if you request a branch delivery for your kit.
All Chippewa River District Library locations will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday beginning at 5 p.m., Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29.
We'll provide the materials needed to make and decorate a graham cracker "gingerbread' house.
For grades 6-12. Please allow extra time if you request a branch delivery for your kit.
Join us for a special storytime just for babies and young toddlers.
Babies to preschoolers will enjoy stories, songs, and dancing while building vital early literacy skills! This storytime is for children ages 0 to 5.