Library Closure

Due to concerns for staff and patrons, Veterans Memorial Library will be closed due to the treatment of bed bugs.

Multimedia Equipment Policy


Chippewa River District Library System has multimedia equipment available for patrons to use for accessing the Internet and other audio and visual materials available at the library.

Conditions of Use

  1. All library equipment will be managed in a manner consistent with the Conduct of Library Users policy. Users are responsible for the repair or replacement of any damage to the equipment.
  2. Parents using library equipment are expected to attend to their children in accordance with the library's policy on the Safety and Well-being of Children.
  3. Failure to use the equipment in an appropriate and responsible manner will result in loss of those privileges. Illegal or unethical acts involving library equipment may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.

Portable Electronic Devices

Portable electronic devices are available for patron checkout.

To checkout a portable device, the patron must:

  1. Have a valid library card and be a patron in good standing.
  2. Be 18 or older.
  3. Supply their own headphones.
  4. Return the equipment in person, not in the drop box.
  5. Abide by the criteria set forth in the Loan of Library Materials Policy.

Family Computer Lab

The Curtis E. Nash Family Computer Lab has the equipment necessary for viewing movies. The lab will close 15 minutes before the main library closes.

Use of the Family Computer Lab is restricted to children 12 and under accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Use of the Family Computer Lab by adults without children is prohibited. There is no charge for viewing movies in the Family Computer Lab.

Patrons must ask at the Help Desk to request assistance with using this equipment. The Help Desk should be notified immediately of any problems.

Microfilm Reader

Veterans Memorial Library provides a microfilm reader to use for viewing our Isabella County Newspaper microfilm collection. At the discretion of Help Desk staff, this machine may also be used for viewing the patron's own microfilm or microfilm from another library. Please ask at the Help Desk for assistance in using the microfilm reader.

Meeting Room Equipment

Upon request, CRDL can provide several types of equipment for use in our meeting rooms. Available equipment may include an LCD projector, laptop, DVD player, and an overhead projector. Equipment requests need to be noted on the Meeting Room Request Form. Please be advised that you are responsible for any and all equipment that you request. You must notify staff when you are finished with that equipment.

Approved: November 15, 1999


  • September 16, 2005
  • May 12, 2008
  • September 15, 2010
  • March 21, 2013
  • May 16, 2017

Reviewed: March 16, 2021

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